NL4-XLR4 Content

The AHB2 power amplifier is designed to drive 100 watts per channel into a pair of 8-ohm loudspeakers and for this reason, it delivers 28.28 Vrms on each channel at full output. This is more than enough voltage to let the smoke out of ordinary headphones, not to mention the associated hearing damage. This cable should only be used with headphones similar to those listed below. These headphone all have a voltage sensitivity that is less than 100 dB SPL at 1 V. Do not confuse voltage sensitivity with power sensitivity which is expressed relative to 1 mW instead of relative to 1 V.

Use caution when connecting headphones to a power amplifier. Start with the volume control low and make sure your upstream electronics don't produce loud transients when switching on and off. Lack of caution can damage your headphones and your hearing.

The AHB2 will not produce damaging transient, but it will amplify the transients produced by upstream devices when they turn on or off.

The following precautions may reduce the chances of damage due to transients produced by the devices driving the AHB2:
  • Unplug the headphones before turning your system on or off.
  • Use 12V trigger control to sequence the system turn on and turn off.
  • Turn the volume down before plugging in the headphones.
  • Set the levels low before placing the headphones on your head.
  • If your preamplifier does not have a trigger, turn the AHB2 on last, and off first.